Engineering and innovation.Together. "Credits: CIO Iveco – Oto Melara" Engineering and innovation.Together. "Credits: CIO Iveco – Oto Melara" Products ANTENNAS & MOUNTINGOmnidirectional antennas with high efficiency and compact dimensions for vehicular, marine, portable and fixed applications. High Gain Directional Antennas. Operating bands: HF, VHF, UHF, SATCOM. AMPLIFIERS & RF20 W and 50 W amplifiers for the 30 - 512 MHz band with very high performance, and with LNA for reception in the SATCOM band. Very high power amplifiers in the HF, VHF, UHF bands. COMMAND & CONTROLFully customizable C4i systems with advanced tactical and strategical functionalities for command & control the fleet in maritime application, including remote managements/display of the onboard sensors (radars, optronics, cameras, etc.). NAVIGATIONAdvanced navigation systems, cartographies, radars, GPS antennas, echo sounders, marine displays, weather stations, AIS transponders, compass, speed logs and antennas for military, fishing and pleasure vessels. AUTOMATIC POLICE REPORTSCustomizable automatic system for maritime & terrestrial police enabling fast and user-friendly digitalized compilation, data acquisition, printing, scanning, archiving and transmission of the reports. FIELD MEASUREMENTSimulation and measurements with drone of the distribution of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields on land, sea and fixed stations generated by radio communication antennas. Services SYSTEMS DESIGN & INTEGRATION40-years’ experience in navigation and radiocommunication system design, integration and installation for civil and military vessels: from the system requirement definition to the customer acceptance tests. ELECTROMAGNETIC MODELLINGSimulation of radiation pattern and cositing in antenna systems. Search for the optimal placement. Analysis of the radioelectric coverage of the territory. Evaluation of human exposure to EM fields. TRAININGOur experienced technical staff provides all levels of training, including customized operative manuals, for full and exhaustive awareness to operate high-tech navigation and radiocommunication systems. Focus | Radio Communications Technologies EVO-A-SOTMMark II PP EVO-A-TACSAT PP EVO-A-SATCompact PP EVO-A-SAT 8P RRAO PP EVO-A-SATLPC Fix PP EVO-A-VUTACMarine PP EVO-A-VUTACWide Band EVO-A-UTACShadow PP EVO-A-V-WHIP EVO-A-SAT 8P NAVY EVO-A-8P MODÌ EVO-A-ALPIPAR *PP=Patent Pending